June 14, 2023
Unsafe levels of environmental contamination on a Brownfield site may result from past or current industrial, commercial, residential, agricultural or recreational uses and practices and can be found in soil, water or air. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties increases local tax bases, facilitates job growth, utilizes existing infrastructure, takes development pressures off undeveloped and both improves and protects the environment. The amount of cleanup required at a Brownfield depends on how the site will be reused which is where your environmental team at NOVA can step in!
Shown in the photo is our environmental project manager, Emily Purcell, managing the removal of contaminated soil at a site in Georgia. Work on this project included the environmental site assessment Phase I, creation of a soil management plan, and the excavation and proper removal offsite for treatment or disposal in a landfill. Once completed our NOVA team will also provide construction materials testing, special inspections, NPDES Stormwater management, building envelope services, and will act as a third-party building code inspector. We’re all over the map to cover the engineering and environmental elements for our clients in the southeast!
Photo credit: Brittany Israel, PE, Senior Engineer, Kennesaw, GA Office